
The art exhibition Bilderstreit – Widerspruch, Einheit und Fragment in der Kunst seit 1960 (Iconoclasm – appeal, unity and fragment in art since 1960) was a retrospective in the Rheinhallen in Cologne from 8 April 1989 to 28 June 1989 and was held by the Museum Ludwig shortly before the German reunification. It was organized by Siegfried Gohr, Johannes Gachnang and Walter Nikkels and assisted by Cornelia Barth, Pier de Jonge, Kay Heymer and Nicola von Velsen. Christa Steinbüchel did conservatory work.


The art exhibition Bilderstreit – Widerspruch, Einheit und Fragment in der Kunst seit 1960 (Iconoclasm – appeal, unity and fragment in art since 1960) was a retrospective in the Rheinhallen in Cologne from 8 April 1989 to 28 June 1989 and was held by the Museum Ludwig shortly before the German reunification. It was organized by Siegfried Gohr, Johannes Gachnang and Walter Nikkels and assisted by Cornelia Barth, Pier de Jonge, Kay Heymer and Nicola von Velsen. Christa Steinbüchel did conservatory work.