Bipartite patella

Bipartite patella is a condition where the patella, or kneecap, is composed of two separate bones. Instead of fusing together as normally occurs in early childhood, the bones of the patella remain separated. The condition occurs in approximately 1–2% of the population and is no more likely to occur in males than females. It is often asymptomatic and most commonly diagnosed as an incidental finding, with about 2% of cases becoming symptomatic.

Bipartite patella

Bipartite patella is a condition where the patella, or kneecap, is composed of two separate bones. Instead of fusing together as normally occurs in early childhood, the bones of the patella remain separated. The condition occurs in approximately 1–2% of the population and is no more likely to occur in males than females. It is often asymptomatic and most commonly diagnosed as an incidental finding, with about 2% of cases becoming symptomatic.