Bistrica (Livanjsko Polje)

Bistrica (Cyrillic: Бистрица) is sinking river near Livno in Western Bosnia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, though highly regulated for hydropower and irrigation since mid-20th century. The Bistrica springs out of large karstic source called , which is situated within the cave in Duman neighborhood, in the heart of Old Town of Livno, also called as Bistrički Grad (English: Bistrički Town; Bistrički is possessive form made from the river name - Bistrica).

Bistrica (Livanjsko Polje)

Bistrica (Cyrillic: Бистрица) is sinking river near Livno in Western Bosnia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, though highly regulated for hydropower and irrigation since mid-20th century. The Bistrica springs out of large karstic source called , which is situated within the cave in Duman neighborhood, in the heart of Old Town of Livno, also called as Bistrički Grad (English: Bistrički Town; Bistrički is possessive form made from the river name - Bistrica).