Black Tartarian

Black Tartarian (originally Ronald's Large Black Heart) is an heirloom cultivar of cherry. It was brought from Circassia to England in the 1700s by a man named Hugh Ronalds, and from England it was brought to the United States in the 1800s. The fruit of the Black Tartarian is about one inch in diameter, with a unique taste and texture, but too soft for commercial shipping. It is primarily grown as a pollinizer for other cherry varieties.

Black Tartarian

Black Tartarian (originally Ronald's Large Black Heart) is an heirloom cultivar of cherry. It was brought from Circassia to England in the 1700s by a man named Hugh Ronalds, and from England it was brought to the United States in the 1800s. The fruit of the Black Tartarian is about one inch in diameter, with a unique taste and texture, but too soft for commercial shipping. It is primarily grown as a pollinizer for other cherry varieties.