Blue Latitudes

Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before (United States), or Into the Blue: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before (Australia), is a travel book by Tony Horwitz, published in 2002. In it, the Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist travels to various parts of the world, following in the footsteps of explorer James Cook. The book compares the current conditions of the places Cook visited to what Cook documented at the time, and describes the different legacies Cook has left behind.

Blue Latitudes

Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before (United States), or Into the Blue: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before (Australia), is a travel book by Tony Horwitz, published in 2002. In it, the Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist travels to various parts of the world, following in the footsteps of explorer James Cook. The book compares the current conditions of the places Cook visited to what Cook documented at the time, and describes the different legacies Cook has left behind.