Bohdan Smoleń

Bohdan Smoleń (9 June 1947 – 15 December 2016) was a Polish comedian, singer and actor. He was a member of the Kabaret TEY, and was featured in the television show Świat według Kiepskich (Night and Day). On 20 May 2009 he was awarded the silver medal "Zasłużony Kulturze - Gloria Artis" for his contributions to Polish culture. He died in a Poznań hospital on 15 December 2016 from a serious infection linked to lung disease. He was 69.

Bohdan Smoleń

Bohdan Smoleń (9 June 1947 – 15 December 2016) was a Polish comedian, singer and actor. He was a member of the Kabaret TEY, and was featured in the television show Świat według Kiepskich (Night and Day). On 20 May 2009 he was awarded the silver medal "Zasłużony Kulturze - Gloria Artis" for his contributions to Polish culture. He died in a Poznań hospital on 15 December 2016 from a serious infection linked to lung disease. He was 69.