Bordered white

The bordered white or pine looper (Bupalus piniaria), is a moth of the family Geometridae. Among these, it belongs to tribe of the subfamily Ennominae. B. piniaria is a common species throughout the western Palearctic region, the Near East and North Africa. However, its presence in certain regions – e.g. the northern Balkans – is doubtful. Three subspecies are generally recognized, while two additional ones are doubtfully distinct: In addition, many forms (e.g. kolleri) have also been named.

Bordered white

The bordered white or pine looper (Bupalus piniaria), is a moth of the family Geometridae. Among these, it belongs to tribe of the subfamily Ennominae. B. piniaria is a common species throughout the western Palearctic region, the Near East and North Africa. However, its presence in certain regions – e.g. the northern Balkans – is doubtful. Three subspecies are generally recognized, while two additional ones are doubtfully distinct: In addition, many forms (e.g. kolleri) have also been named.