Bosnia and Herzegovina–Holy See relations

Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Holy See have maintained diplomatic relations since the former declared independence in 1992. The two states have signed a concordat, and there have been three papal visits to the multiconfessional Bosnia and Herzegovina. The relations with the Holy See have generally been fostered primarily by the Bosnian Croat (or Catholic) and Bosniak (or Muslim) officials, but sometimes aggravated by Bosnian Serb (or Orthodox) officials.

Bosnia and Herzegovina–Holy See relations

Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Holy See have maintained diplomatic relations since the former declared independence in 1992. The two states have signed a concordat, and there have been three papal visits to the multiconfessional Bosnia and Herzegovina. The relations with the Holy See have generally been fostered primarily by the Bosnian Croat (or Catholic) and Bosniak (or Muslim) officials, but sometimes aggravated by Bosnian Serb (or Orthodox) officials.