Bosnia and Herzegovina nationality law

The nationality law of Bosnia and Herzegovina governs the acquisition, transmission and loss of citizenship of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Regulated under the framework of the Law on Citizenship of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is based primarily on the principle of jus sanguinis. The concept of a Bosnian citizenship first arose following the establishment of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina after World War II. Each constituent republic within Yugoslavia maintained its own subnational citizenship schemes, subordinate to federal citizenship.

Bosnia and Herzegovina nationality law

The nationality law of Bosnia and Herzegovina governs the acquisition, transmission and loss of citizenship of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Regulated under the framework of the Law on Citizenship of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is based primarily on the principle of jus sanguinis. The concept of a Bosnian citizenship first arose following the establishment of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina after World War II. Each constituent republic within Yugoslavia maintained its own subnational citizenship schemes, subordinate to federal citizenship.