
Brath was an American comic book published by Crossgen Entertainment from February, 2003 to June, 2004. It ran for 15 issues (including prequel) before it was forced to end by the bankruptcy of CrossGen in 2004. The series was written by Chuck Dixon and penciled by Andrea Di Vito. Brath was set on the fictional world of Hann Jinn also seen in other CrossGen titles, Way of the Rat and The Path. Dixon and DiVito researched various parts of history when writing Brath. As such, much of Brath's diegesis is akin to films like Gladiator and Braveheart.


Brath was an American comic book published by Crossgen Entertainment from February, 2003 to June, 2004. It ran for 15 issues (including prequel) before it was forced to end by the bankruptcy of CrossGen in 2004. The series was written by Chuck Dixon and penciled by Andrea Di Vito. Brath was set on the fictional world of Hann Jinn also seen in other CrossGen titles, Way of the Rat and The Path. Dixon and DiVito researched various parts of history when writing Brath. As such, much of Brath's diegesis is akin to films like Gladiator and Braveheart.