Breast Cancer Research (Scotland)

Breast Cancer Research is a defunct cancer charity that was based in Paisley and Glasgow, Scotland. It had its assets frozen in 2003 after a probe found that only £1.5m of the £13m it had raised was donated to charity. The group's fundraiser, Tony Freeman, of Glasgow, was paid about 60 per cent - some £8 million - of the charity's cash in commission. Several organizers as well as the fundraiser were barred from running charities in the UK. Solutions RMC was employed to fundraise for Breast Cancer Research charity and accused of taking too large a share of donations.

Breast Cancer Research (Scotland)

Breast Cancer Research is a defunct cancer charity that was based in Paisley and Glasgow, Scotland. It had its assets frozen in 2003 after a probe found that only £1.5m of the £13m it had raised was donated to charity. The group's fundraiser, Tony Freeman, of Glasgow, was paid about 60 per cent - some £8 million - of the charity's cash in commission. Several organizers as well as the fundraiser were barred from running charities in the UK. Solutions RMC was employed to fundraise for Breast Cancer Research charity and accused of taking too large a share of donations.