Bronze laver

The instructions given to Moses in the Book of Exodus included the creation of a bronze laver (Hebrew: כיור נחשת‎ kîyōr nəḥōšeṯ), to be sited outside the Tabernacle of Meeting, between the Tabernacle door and the Altar of Burnt Offering, for Aaron, his sons and their successors as priests to wash their hands and their feet before making a sacrifice. In Solomon's Temple, the laver was apparently superseded by the molten or brazen sea described in 1 Kings 7:23–26 and 2 Chronicles 4:2–5.

Bronze laver

The instructions given to Moses in the Book of Exodus included the creation of a bronze laver (Hebrew: כיור נחשת‎ kîyōr nəḥōšeṯ), to be sited outside the Tabernacle of Meeting, between the Tabernacle door and the Altar of Burnt Offering, for Aaron, his sons and their successors as priests to wash their hands and their feet before making a sacrifice. In Solomon's Temple, the laver was apparently superseded by the molten or brazen sea described in 1 Kings 7:23–26 and 2 Chronicles 4:2–5.