
The Bucinobantes (German: Bucinobanten) were an Alemannic tribe in the region of the modern city of Mainz on the river Main. The Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus wrote that Caesar Julian crossed the river Rhine near Mainz in 359 for negotiations with Macrian, the chieftain of the Bucinobantes, and with other Alamannic chiefs. Possibly as part of a deal with Macrian, in 371 Valentinian relocated Fraomar and his followers from Mainz to Britain.


The Bucinobantes (German: Bucinobanten) were an Alemannic tribe in the region of the modern city of Mainz on the river Main. The Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus wrote that Caesar Julian crossed the river Rhine near Mainz in 359 for negotiations with Macrian, the chieftain of the Bucinobantes, and with other Alamannic chiefs. Possibly as part of a deal with Macrian, in 371 Valentinian relocated Fraomar and his followers from Mainz to Britain.