Bulgarian Social Democratic Workers' Party (Narrow Socialists)

Bulgarian Social Democratic Workers' Party (Narrow Socialists) (Bulgarian: Българска работническа социалдемократическа партия (тесни социалисти), Balgarska rabotnicheska sotsialdemokraticheska partia (tesni sotsialisti)) was a marxist socialist political party in Bulgaria. The party's origins lays in 1903, after a split at the 10th Congress of the Bulgarian Social Democratic Workers' Party. The other faction formed the Bulgarian Social Democratic Workers Party (Broad Socialists).

Bulgarian Social Democratic Workers' Party (Narrow Socialists)

Bulgarian Social Democratic Workers' Party (Narrow Socialists) (Bulgarian: Българска работническа социалдемократическа партия (тесни социалисти), Balgarska rabotnicheska sotsialdemokraticheska partia (tesni sotsialisti)) was a marxist socialist political party in Bulgaria. The party's origins lays in 1903, after a split at the 10th Congress of the Bulgarian Social Democratic Workers' Party. The other faction formed the Bulgarian Social Democratic Workers Party (Broad Socialists).