Bupyeong District

Bupyeong District (Bupyeong-gu) is one of the 10 administrative divisions (eight municipal districts and two counties) that comprise Incheon, South Korea. Bupyeong-gu comprises an area of 12.35 square miles (31.98 square km), and has a population of 508,587. It is located north of Namdong-gu, east of Seo-gu, and south of Gyeyang-gu. The city of Bucheon, in neighboring Gyeonggi Province, comprises its eastern limit.

Bupyeong District

Bupyeong District (Bupyeong-gu) is one of the 10 administrative divisions (eight municipal districts and two counties) that comprise Incheon, South Korea. Bupyeong-gu comprises an area of 12.35 square miles (31.98 square km), and has a population of 508,587. It is located north of Namdong-gu, east of Seo-gu, and south of Gyeyang-gu. The city of Bucheon, in neighboring Gyeonggi Province, comprises its eastern limit.