Burarra language

The Burarra language is an Australian Aboriginal language spoken by the Burarra people of Arnhem Land. It has several dialects. Other names and spellings include Barera, Bawera, Burada, Bureda, Burera, An-barra (Anbarra), Gidjingaliya, Gu-jingarliya, Gu-jarlabiya, Gun-Guragone (also used for Guragone), Jikai, Tchikai. The Djangu people have a Burarra clan, which is sometimes confused with this language.

Burarra language

The Burarra language is an Australian Aboriginal language spoken by the Burarra people of Arnhem Land. It has several dialects. Other names and spellings include Barera, Bawera, Burada, Bureda, Burera, An-barra (Anbarra), Gidjingaliya, Gu-jingarliya, Gu-jarlabiya, Gun-Guragone (also used for Guragone), Jikai, Tchikai. The Djangu people have a Burarra clan, which is sometimes confused with this language.