
Burgrave also rendered as Burggrave (from German: Burggraf, Latin: burgravius, burggravius, burcgravius, burgicomes, also praefectus), was since the medieval period in Europe (mainly Germany) the official title for the ruler of a castle, especially a royal or episcopal castle, and its territory called a Burgraviate or Burgravate (German Burggrafschaft also Burggrafthum, Latin praefectura). A burgrave, who ruled over a substantially large territory, may also have possessed the regality of coinage, and could mint his own regional coins (see silver bracteates).


Burgrave also rendered as Burggrave (from German: Burggraf, Latin: burgravius, burggravius, burcgravius, burgicomes, also praefectus), was since the medieval period in Europe (mainly Germany) the official title for the ruler of a castle, especially a royal or episcopal castle, and its territory called a Burgraviate or Burgravate (German Burggrafschaft also Burggrafthum, Latin praefectura). A burgrave, who ruled over a substantially large territory, may also have possessed the regality of coinage, and could mint his own regional coins (see silver bracteates).