Bus lines in Bordeaux

The Urban Community of Bordeaux Public Transport System (Transports Bordeaux Métropole, TBM) (Keolis) manages 65 regular bus and tram lines in Bordeaux Métropole. These tram and bus lines comprise: * 13 high frequency (10–15 minute) services (LIANES) * 9 main lines which have a service frequency from 15 to 30 minutes * 6 suburban services (COROL) * 8 local services (CITÉIS) * 2 express services * 16 lower frequency services * 11 special services (e.g. school services) * 4 Day Flexo (flexible services which follow fixed routes to a location and then pick up or set down on demand in that location) * 6 Evening Flexo (flexible services which follow fixed routes to a location and then pick up or set down on demand in that location) * 1 Night Flexo (flexible services which follow fixed

Bus lines in Bordeaux

The Urban Community of Bordeaux Public Transport System (Transports Bordeaux Métropole, TBM) (Keolis) manages 65 regular bus and tram lines in Bordeaux Métropole. These tram and bus lines comprise: * 13 high frequency (10–15 minute) services (LIANES) * 9 main lines which have a service frequency from 15 to 30 minutes * 6 suburban services (COROL) * 8 local services (CITÉIS) * 2 express services * 16 lower frequency services * 11 special services (e.g. school services) * 4 Day Flexo (flexible services which follow fixed routes to a location and then pick up or set down on demand in that location) * 6 Evening Flexo (flexible services which follow fixed routes to a location and then pick up or set down on demand in that location) * 1 Night Flexo (flexible services which follow fixed