Business News

Business News (formerly WA Business News) is an independently owned business media organisation which provides a digital news service and fortnightly business magazine. Established in 1993 and based in Perth, Western Australia, their twice daily business alerts reach 45,000 email addresses and the magazine has a total fortnightly circulation of 11,100 and readership of 28,280. Business News also produces a weekly podcast, Mark My Words, featuring both previous editors, Mark Pownall and Mark Beyer, discussing the business news of the previous week.

Business News

Business News (formerly WA Business News) is an independently owned business media organisation which provides a digital news service and fortnightly business magazine. Established in 1993 and based in Perth, Western Australia, their twice daily business alerts reach 45,000 email addresses and the magazine has a total fortnightly circulation of 11,100 and readership of 28,280. Business News also produces a weekly podcast, Mark My Words, featuring both previous editors, Mark Pownall and Mark Beyer, discussing the business news of the previous week.