Butt Trumpet

Butt Trumpet is a Los Angeles–based punk band founded and maintained by Thom Bone. It is known for its crass lyrics and deliberately offensive style. The group features two bassists among its members. They became famous in 1994 when their Chrysalis Records debut, Primitive Enema, was banned from sale in a Massachusetts town after one mother heard her 12-year-old daughter listening to it, which she called "audio porn." Dan Druff played in the group briefly in 1995. The "Enema" lineup splintered soon after Primitive Enema was released, but three of the members regrouped in 1998 as Betty Blowtorch. The founder of the project, Thom Bone, continues to release and tour with various deliberately unstable band lineups to this day.

Butt Trumpet

Butt Trumpet is a Los Angeles–based punk band founded and maintained by Thom Bone. It is known for its crass lyrics and deliberately offensive style. The group features two bassists among its members. They became famous in 1994 when their Chrysalis Records debut, Primitive Enema, was banned from sale in a Massachusetts town after one mother heard her 12-year-old daughter listening to it, which she called "audio porn." Dan Druff played in the group briefly in 1995. The "Enema" lineup splintered soon after Primitive Enema was released, but three of the members regrouped in 1998 as Betty Blowtorch. The founder of the project, Thom Bone, continues to release and tour with various deliberately unstable band lineups to this day.