Bydlo (film)

Bydlo is a Canadian animated short film, directed by Patrick Bouchard and released in 2012. Inspired by the fourth movement of Modest Mussorgsky's classical composition Pictures at an Exhibition, the stop-motion animated film depicts a group of men who are plowing a field with an ox, but overwork both themselves and the animal virtually to the point of death. The film premiered at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival in June 2012.

Bydlo (film)

Bydlo is a Canadian animated short film, directed by Patrick Bouchard and released in 2012. Inspired by the fourth movement of Modest Mussorgsky's classical composition Pictures at an Exhibition, the stop-motion animated film depicts a group of men who are plowing a field with an ox, but overwork both themselves and the animal virtually to the point of death. The film premiered at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival in June 2012.