Byzantine Italy

Byzantine Italy was those parts of the Italian peninsula under the control of the Byzantine empire after the fall of the Western Roman Empire (476). The last Byzantine outpost in Italy, Bari was lost in 1071. Chronologically, it refers to: * Praetorian prefecture of Italy (540/554–584) * Exarchate of Ravenna (584–751) * Theme of Sicily (687–902) * Theme of Longobardia (c. 891 – c. 965) * Catepanate of Italy (965–1071) Several states avoided conquest by the Lombards or Franks and maintained nominal Byzantine allegiance even after the Byzantine presence in Italy came to an end:

Byzantine Italy

Byzantine Italy was those parts of the Italian peninsula under the control of the Byzantine empire after the fall of the Western Roman Empire (476). The last Byzantine outpost in Italy, Bari was lost in 1071. Chronologically, it refers to: * Praetorian prefecture of Italy (540/554–584) * Exarchate of Ravenna (584–751) * Theme of Sicily (687–902) * Theme of Longobardia (c. 891 – c. 965) * Catepanate of Italy (965–1071) Several states avoided conquest by the Lombards or Franks and maintained nominal Byzantine allegiance even after the Byzantine presence in Italy came to an end: