C. B. Collins

Christopher Barry Collins is a cosmologist who has written many papers with Stephen Hawking. He is a professor emeritus of applied mathematics at the University of Waterloo. Collins earned his Ph.D. in 1972 from the University of Cambridge under the supervision of F. Gerard Friedlander.Among his works with Hawking is a 1973 paper that uses the anthropic principle to provide a solution to the flatness problem.

C. B. Collins

Christopher Barry Collins is a cosmologist who has written many papers with Stephen Hawking. He is a professor emeritus of applied mathematics at the University of Waterloo. Collins earned his Ph.D. in 1972 from the University of Cambridge under the supervision of F. Gerard Friedlander.Among his works with Hawking is a 1973 paper that uses the anthropic principle to provide a solution to the flatness problem.