CFAV Grizzly (YAG 306)

Canadian Forces Auxiliary Vessel (CFAV) Grizzly (YAG 306) was one of ten wooden YAG 300 (Yard Auxiliary, General) vessels built for the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) between 1953 and 1955. Built for use as auxiliary craft, Grizzly primarily served as an at-sea training platform for junior naval officers, boatswains, reserve personnel and Sea Cadets at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Esquimalt. Her name perpetuated the WWII armed yacht HMCS Grizzly was reused for PTC 60 Grizzly Orca-class Patrol Craft Training (PCT) tender that replaced the YAG 300 vessels as the RCN training tenders in 2008.

CFAV Grizzly (YAG 306)

Canadian Forces Auxiliary Vessel (CFAV) Grizzly (YAG 306) was one of ten wooden YAG 300 (Yard Auxiliary, General) vessels built for the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) between 1953 and 1955. Built for use as auxiliary craft, Grizzly primarily served as an at-sea training platform for junior naval officers, boatswains, reserve personnel and Sea Cadets at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Esquimalt. Her name perpetuated the WWII armed yacht HMCS Grizzly was reused for PTC 60 Grizzly Orca-class Patrol Craft Training (PCT) tender that replaced the YAG 300 vessels as the RCN training tenders in 2008.