CLACL, representing CLAC-Language (where CLAC stands for Logical Composition with the Assistance of Computers) is the result of ongoing theoretical research which aims to provide a formal description of the logical choices relating to the definition of organizational processes of composition. The logic of CLACL is based on 'spatial-relational' information rather than on the processing of numerical information. It generates a logical configuration and, with a tool called Plasma, shapes the created domain in a physical form such as music or graphics.


CLACL, representing CLAC-Language (where CLAC stands for Logical Composition with the Assistance of Computers) is the result of ongoing theoretical research which aims to provide a formal description of the logical choices relating to the definition of organizational processes of composition. The logic of CLACL is based on 'spatial-relational' information rather than on the processing of numerical information. It generates a logical configuration and, with a tool called Plasma, shapes the created domain in a physical form such as music or graphics.