COVENSA is an acronym for "Corporación de Ventas de Salitre y Yodo de Chile" (in English, Chile Saltpeter and Iodine Sales Corporation) was the estanco formed between the Chilean State and the private producing companies that operated between 1934 and 1968. It was in charge of regulating the export and commercialization of nitrate and iodine. It arose as a replacement for COSACH (Compañía de Salitres de Chile, 1930 - 1933).


COVENSA is an acronym for "Corporación de Ventas de Salitre y Yodo de Chile" (in English, Chile Saltpeter and Iodine Sales Corporation) was the estanco formed between the Chilean State and the private producing companies that operated between 1934 and 1968. It was in charge of regulating the export and commercialization of nitrate and iodine. It arose as a replacement for COSACH (Compañía de Salitres de Chile, 1930 - 1933).