CX Canis Majoris

CX CMa (CX Canis Majoris) is a blue variable star in the Canis Major constellation. Discovery of this variable is usually credited to German Astronomer Cuno Hoffmeister in 1931, although this remains uncertain. The temperature of the secondary star has been estimated at about 10,600 K and its mass at 3.4 M☉. The spectral type of the secondary star is estimated to be in the B8 to A0 range.

CX Canis Majoris

CX CMa (CX Canis Majoris) is a blue variable star in the Canis Major constellation. Discovery of this variable is usually credited to German Astronomer Cuno Hoffmeister in 1931, although this remains uncertain. The temperature of the secondary star has been estimated at about 10,600 K and its mass at 3.4 M☉. The spectral type of the secondary star is estimated to be in the B8 to A0 range.