Cabinet of Léon Faucher

The Cabinet of Léon Faucher, in which Léon Faucher was the leading minister, was formed on 10 April 1851 by President Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte.It followed the Petit ministère of 1851.The cabinet was a compromise between the Parti de l'Ordre and the Bonapartists in the period before the coup d'état of 2 December 1851.The cabinet was replaced by the Last cabinet of the French Second Republic on 26 October 1851.

Cabinet of Léon Faucher

The Cabinet of Léon Faucher, in which Léon Faucher was the leading minister, was formed on 10 April 1851 by President Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte.It followed the Petit ministère of 1851.The cabinet was a compromise between the Parti de l'Ordre and the Bonapartists in the period before the coup d'état of 2 December 1851.The cabinet was replaced by the Last cabinet of the French Second Republic on 26 October 1851.