Cabot rock monument

The Cabot Rock Monument is an inscribed rock located at Grates Cove, Newfoundland, Canada. The monument to what is believed to be bear the names of the John Cabot and his youngest son Sancius. Grates Cove is a fishing community located at the very tip of the Bay de Verde Peninsula on the Avalon Peninsula, may have been the first point of land that Cabot saw on his second voyage to the new world in 1497. William Cormack had noted in his 1822 journal where he writes,

Cabot rock monument

The Cabot Rock Monument is an inscribed rock located at Grates Cove, Newfoundland, Canada. The monument to what is believed to be bear the names of the John Cabot and his youngest son Sancius. Grates Cove is a fishing community located at the very tip of the Bay de Verde Peninsula on the Avalon Peninsula, may have been the first point of land that Cabot saw on his second voyage to the new world in 1497. William Cormack had noted in his 1822 journal where he writes,