Caecina Decius Faustus Albinus

Caecina Decius Faustus Albinus (fl. 490–525) was a Roman politician during the reign of Theodoric the Great. He held the consulship with Eusebius in 493. Albinus is best known for being identified with the senator whom Boethius defended from accusations of treasonous correspondence with the Eastern Roman Empire by the referandarius -- only to have Cyprianus then accuse Boethius of the same crime.

Caecina Decius Faustus Albinus

Caecina Decius Faustus Albinus (fl. 490–525) was a Roman politician during the reign of Theodoric the Great. He held the consulship with Eusebius in 493. Albinus is best known for being identified with the senator whom Boethius defended from accusations of treasonous correspondence with the Eastern Roman Empire by the referandarius -- only to have Cyprianus then accuse Boethius of the same crime.