Cain and Abel in Islam

Qābīl and Hābīl (Arabic: قَابِيْل وَهَابِيْل‎, Cain and Abel) are believed by Muslims to have been the first two sons of Âdam and Hawāhʾ (Eve) mentioned in the Qurʾan. The events of the story in the Qur'an are virtually the same as the Hebrew Bible narrative: Both the brothers were asked to offer up individual sacrifices to God; God accepted Habil's (Abel) sacrifice and rejected Qabil's (Cain); out of jealousy, Qabil slew Hābīl which was the first ever case of murder committed upon the Earth.

Cain and Abel in Islam

Qābīl and Hābīl (Arabic: قَابِيْل وَهَابِيْل‎, Cain and Abel) are believed by Muslims to have been the first two sons of Âdam and Hawāhʾ (Eve) mentioned in the Qurʾan. The events of the story in the Qur'an are virtually the same as the Hebrew Bible narrative: Both the brothers were asked to offer up individual sacrifices to God; God accepted Habil's (Abel) sacrifice and rejected Qabil's (Cain); out of jealousy, Qabil slew Hābīl which was the first ever case of murder committed upon the Earth.