
Calabaza is the generic name in the Spanish language for any type of pumpkin. Within an English-language context it specifically refers to what is known as West Indian pumpkin or also calabassa, a winter squash typically grown in the West Indies, tropical America, and the Philippines. Calabaza is the common name for Cucurbita moschata in Cuba, Florida, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines (where it is also spelled kalabasa). C. moschata is also known as auyama in the Dominican Republic; ayote in Central America; zapallo in South America; and "pumpkin", "squash", or "calabash" in English-speaking islands.


Calabaza is the generic name in the Spanish language for any type of pumpkin. Within an English-language context it specifically refers to what is known as West Indian pumpkin or also calabassa, a winter squash typically grown in the West Indies, tropical America, and the Philippines. Calabaza is the common name for Cucurbita moschata in Cuba, Florida, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines (where it is also spelled kalabasa). C. moschata is also known as auyama in the Dominican Republic; ayote in Central America; zapallo in South America; and "pumpkin", "squash", or "calabash" in English-speaking islands.