Calatrava Capital S.A.

Calatrava Capital S.A. – a holding company listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange, which supervises and manages several subsidiaries (WSE: CTC, Index). It invests in projects of excellent rate of return. Main activity of Calatrava Capital includes: analysis, restructuring, financing, selling of companies or floating them on a stock market. Currently, in the company’s portfolio there are companies from IT, energy and fuel sectors.

Calatrava Capital S.A.

Calatrava Capital S.A. – a holding company listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange, which supervises and manages several subsidiaries (WSE: CTC, Index). It invests in projects of excellent rate of return. Main activity of Calatrava Capital includes: analysis, restructuring, financing, selling of companies or floating them on a stock market. Currently, in the company’s portfolio there are companies from IT, energy and fuel sectors.