Cam sành

The cam sành (Vietnamese: [kaːm ʂâjŋ̟]) or King orange (Citrus reticulata × sinensis) is a citrus hybrid originating in Vietnam. Cam sành is Vietnamese for "terracotta orange", although the fruit is more akin to a mandarin or tangerine. The fruit may be easily recognized by its thick skin, which is typically bright green, although the skin may also be partly green and partly orange, or entirely orange. Its flesh is orange, dark and sweet. This is the most popular orange variety in Vietnam.

Cam sành

The cam sành (Vietnamese: [kaːm ʂâjŋ̟]) or King orange (Citrus reticulata × sinensis) is a citrus hybrid originating in Vietnam. Cam sành is Vietnamese for "terracotta orange", although the fruit is more akin to a mandarin or tangerine. The fruit may be easily recognized by its thick skin, which is typically bright green, although the skin may also be partly green and partly orange, or entirely orange. Its flesh is orange, dark and sweet. This is the most popular orange variety in Vietnam.