Camille Gutton

Camille Gutton (30 August 1872 – 19 August 1963) was a French physicist who specialized in radioelectricity.He was responsible for various theoretical and practical advances.He followed some false leads such as research into the hypothetical N rays, which did not in fact exist, and attempts to explain anomalies in laboratory measurements of radio waves in ionized gases, which he thought might be due to positive ions exerting a quasi-elastic force on electrons.His work on very high frequency radio waves helped with the development of radar.He received various honours for his work, and in 1947 was a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Camille Gutton

Camille Gutton (30 August 1872 – 19 August 1963) was a French physicist who specialized in radioelectricity.He was responsible for various theoretical and practical advances.He followed some false leads such as research into the hypothetical N rays, which did not in fact exist, and attempts to explain anomalies in laboratory measurements of radio waves in ionized gases, which he thought might be due to positive ions exerting a quasi-elastic force on electrons.His work on very high frequency radio waves helped with the development of radar.He received various honours for his work, and in 1947 was a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Physics.