Camp Ariel Sharon

Camp Ariel Sharon (Hebrew: מחנה אריאל שרון‎, Mahane Ariel Sharon), also called the City of Training Bases (Hebrew: עיר הבה"דים‎, Ir HaBahadim), is a complex of military bases being built in southern Israel, belonging to the Israel Defense Forces and named after the former Major General and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. In total, it is a NIS 50 billion project. Upon completion it will be the largest military base in the country, with the ability to house over 10,000 recruits in training. The base is located near Yeruham and next to the Negev Junction of roads 40 and .

Camp Ariel Sharon

Camp Ariel Sharon (Hebrew: מחנה אריאל שרון‎, Mahane Ariel Sharon), also called the City of Training Bases (Hebrew: עיר הבה"דים‎, Ir HaBahadim), is a complex of military bases being built in southern Israel, belonging to the Israel Defense Forces and named after the former Major General and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. In total, it is a NIS 50 billion project. Upon completion it will be the largest military base in the country, with the ability to house over 10,000 recruits in training. The base is located near Yeruham and next to the Negev Junction of roads 40 and .