Caning (furniture)

In the context of furniture, caning is a method of weaving chair seats and other furniture either while building new chairs or in the process of cane chair repair. In common use, "cane" may refer to any plant with a long, thin stem. However, the cane used for furniture is derived from the rattan vine native to Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia. The vines typically grow to 100–300 ft in length; most have a diameter less than 1 in. Before export, the rattan stems are cut to uniform lengths and the bark is removed in narrow strips of 1⁄16 to 3⁄16 in.Sugar cane and bamboo (sometimes called "cane" in the southern United States) should not be confused with rattan cane.Rattan vine looks somewhat similar to bamboo but is quite different in that bamboo is hollow and holds itself upright while

Caning (furniture)

In the context of furniture, caning is a method of weaving chair seats and other furniture either while building new chairs or in the process of cane chair repair. In common use, "cane" may refer to any plant with a long, thin stem. However, the cane used for furniture is derived from the rattan vine native to Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia. The vines typically grow to 100–300 ft in length; most have a diameter less than 1 in. Before export, the rattan stems are cut to uniform lengths and the bark is removed in narrow strips of 1⁄16 to 3⁄16 in.Sugar cane and bamboo (sometimes called "cane" in the southern United States) should not be confused with rattan cane.Rattan vine looks somewhat similar to bamboo but is quite different in that bamboo is hollow and holds itself upright while