Cantilever magnetometry

Cantilever magnetometry is the use of a cantilever to measure the magnetic moment of magnetic particles. On the end of cantilever is attached a small piece of magnetic material, which interacts with external magnetic fields and exerts torque on the cantilever. These torques cause the cantilever to oscillate faster or slower, depending on the orientation of the particle's moment with respect to the external field, and the magnitude of the moment. The magnitude of the moment and magnetic anisotropy of the material can be deduced by measuring the cantilever's oscillation frequency versus external field.

Cantilever magnetometry

Cantilever magnetometry is the use of a cantilever to measure the magnetic moment of magnetic particles. On the end of cantilever is attached a small piece of magnetic material, which interacts with external magnetic fields and exerts torque on the cantilever. These torques cause the cantilever to oscillate faster or slower, depending on the orientation of the particle's moment with respect to the external field, and the magnitude of the moment. The magnitude of the moment and magnetic anisotropy of the material can be deduced by measuring the cantilever's oscillation frequency versus external field.