Canton of Zürich

The canton of Zürich (German: Kanton ) is a Swiss canton in the northeastern part of the country. With a population of 1,539,275 (as of 31 December 2019), it is the most populous canton in the country. Its capital is the city of Zürich. The official language is German. The local Swiss German dialect, called Züritüütsch, is commonly spoken. In English the name of the canton and its capital is often written without an umlaut.

Canton of Zürich

The canton of Zürich (German: Kanton ) is a Swiss canton in the northeastern part of the country. With a population of 1,539,275 (as of 31 December 2019), it is the most populous canton in the country. Its capital is the city of Zürich. The official language is German. The local Swiss German dialect, called Züritüütsch, is commonly spoken. In English the name of the canton and its capital is often written without an umlaut.