Cape Portland, Tasmania

Cape Portland is both a geographical feature and a locality near the north-eastern tip of Tasmania, Australia. The cape points west across Ringarooma Bay, where the Ringarooma River empties into the Tasman Sea. It was named after the Duke of Portland by Matthew Flinders during his 1798 circumnavigation of the island in the sloop Norfolk with George Bass. The Pyemmairre name of the Cape Portland district is Tebrakunna. Banks Strait separates Cape Portland from Clarke Island, one of the Furneaux Group, to the north.

Cape Portland, Tasmania

Cape Portland is both a geographical feature and a locality near the north-eastern tip of Tasmania, Australia. The cape points west across Ringarooma Bay, where the Ringarooma River empties into the Tasman Sea. It was named after the Duke of Portland by Matthew Flinders during his 1798 circumnavigation of the island in the sloop Norfolk with George Bass. The Pyemmairre name of the Cape Portland district is Tebrakunna. Banks Strait separates Cape Portland from Clarke Island, one of the Furneaux Group, to the north.