Cape Town Pride

Cape Town Pride is an annual gay pride event ending with a pride parade held in Cape Town, South Africa. It usually runs from around the end of February and is a week of festivals, parties and other events. The first South African pride parade was held in Johannesburg on 13 October 1990, the first such event on the African continent. The first pride parade in Cape Town was held in 1993, and it has been held as an annual event subject to interruptions thereafter. Cape Town Pride was not held in 2003 when the event timing was moved to February.

Cape Town Pride

Cape Town Pride is an annual gay pride event ending with a pride parade held in Cape Town, South Africa. It usually runs from around the end of February and is a week of festivals, parties and other events. The first South African pride parade was held in Johannesburg on 13 October 1990, the first such event on the African continent. The first pride parade in Cape Town was held in 1993, and it has been held as an annual event subject to interruptions thereafter. Cape Town Pride was not held in 2003 when the event timing was moved to February.