
Captorhinida (older name: Cotylosauria) is a doubly paraphyletic grouping of early reptiles. Robert L. Carroll (1988) ranked it as an order in the subclass Anapsida, composed of the following suborders: * A paraphyletic Captorhinomorpha, containing the families Protorothyrididae, Captorhinidae, Bolosauridae, Acleistorhinidae and possibly also Batropetidae * Procolophonia, containing families Nyctiphruretidae, Procolophonidae and Sclerosauridae * Pareiasauroidea, with families Rhipaeosauridae and Pareiasauridae * Millerosauroidea, with a single family Millerettidae.


Captorhinida (older name: Cotylosauria) is a doubly paraphyletic grouping of early reptiles. Robert L. Carroll (1988) ranked it as an order in the subclass Anapsida, composed of the following suborders: * A paraphyletic Captorhinomorpha, containing the families Protorothyrididae, Captorhinidae, Bolosauridae, Acleistorhinidae and possibly also Batropetidae * Procolophonia, containing families Nyctiphruretidae, Procolophonidae and Sclerosauridae * Pareiasauroidea, with families Rhipaeosauridae and Pareiasauridae * Millerosauroidea, with a single family Millerettidae.