Caquenga's Revolt

Caquenga's Revolt was a revolt that occurred in 1607 in modern-day Rizal, Cagayan. The leader of the revolt was Caquenga, an animist priestess who acted as a spiritual head of her Malaueg community, which was a village named Nalfotan. The coming of a Dominican friar, Fray Pedro, into Nalfotan triggered the revolt that spread throughout the surrounding region.

Caquenga's Revolt

Caquenga's Revolt was a revolt that occurred in 1607 in modern-day Rizal, Cagayan. The leader of the revolt was Caquenga, an animist priestess who acted as a spiritual head of her Malaueg community, which was a village named Nalfotan. The coming of a Dominican friar, Fray Pedro, into Nalfotan triggered the revolt that spread throughout the surrounding region.