Carlsbad 1907 chess tournament

The Carlsbad 1907 chess tournament was one of four well-known international chess tournaments held in the spa city of Carlsbad (Bohemia, then Austria-Hungary Empire). The other tournament years were 1911, 1923 and 1929. The 1907 tournament was held at the Kurhaus (Kaiserbad) imperial bath hotel. Twenty-one great masters, under the direction of Viktor Tietz, played from August 20 to September 17, 1907. The results and standings:

Carlsbad 1907 chess tournament

The Carlsbad 1907 chess tournament was one of four well-known international chess tournaments held in the spa city of Carlsbad (Bohemia, then Austria-Hungary Empire). The other tournament years were 1911, 1923 and 1929. The 1907 tournament was held at the Kurhaus (Kaiserbad) imperial bath hotel. Twenty-one great masters, under the direction of Viktor Tietz, played from August 20 to September 17, 1907. The results and standings: