Carmen Novoa

Carmen Ibis Novoa (born 21 August 1941) is a Latin American artist, painter, award-winning writer and poet from Uruguay. Novoa was born in El Cerro, a suburb of Montevideo and immigrated to Melbourne in 1978 where she currently resides. Novoa was the first person to organise an exhibition in Parliament House, Melbourne building. Julia Gillard who is a former Australian Prime Minister officially opened one of her art exhibitions in Melbourne.

Carmen Novoa

Carmen Ibis Novoa (born 21 August 1941) is a Latin American artist, painter, award-winning writer and poet from Uruguay. Novoa was born in El Cerro, a suburb of Montevideo and immigrated to Melbourne in 1978 where she currently resides. Novoa was the first person to organise an exhibition in Parliament House, Melbourne building. Julia Gillard who is a former Australian Prime Minister officially opened one of her art exhibitions in Melbourne.