Cassin's vireo

Cassin's vireo (Vireo cassinii) is a small North American songbird, ranging from southern British Columbia in Canada through the western coastal states of the United States. This bird migrates, spending the winter from southern Arizona (the Sonoran Desert) to southern Mexico. The vireo is 11–14 cm (4–6 inches) in length, with a gray head, back, and flanks, and whitish underparts. It has solid white "spectacles" and white wing bars. Cassin's vireo builds a cup nest out of bark strips and down in the fork of a twig. It lays 2 to 5 white eggs with some brown spots.

Cassin's vireo

Cassin's vireo (Vireo cassinii) is a small North American songbird, ranging from southern British Columbia in Canada through the western coastal states of the United States. This bird migrates, spending the winter from southern Arizona (the Sonoran Desert) to southern Mexico. The vireo is 11–14 cm (4–6 inches) in length, with a gray head, back, and flanks, and whitish underparts. It has solid white "spectacles" and white wing bars. Cassin's vireo builds a cup nest out of bark strips and down in the fork of a twig. It lays 2 to 5 white eggs with some brown spots.