Catholic Boy

Catholic Boy (1980) is the debut album by The Jim Carroll Band, led by Jim Carroll, who is notable for publishing the 1978 memoir The Basketball Diaries, and poetry collections including Living at the Movies. They were able to secure a recording contract with Atlantic Records with the support of the Rolling Stones’ Keith Richards, and Catholic Boy have been referred to as the last great punk album. It included arguably the group’s most famous song, ‘People who Died,’ which is a catalogue of young people Carroll knew growing up who met tragic ends: “Judy jumped in front of a subway train, and Eddy got slit in the jugular vein…”. The album cover shows Carroll standing with his parents, photographed by Annie Leibovitz, outside their apartment block on the corner of Cumming Street and Seaman A

Catholic Boy

Catholic Boy (1980) is the debut album by The Jim Carroll Band, led by Jim Carroll, who is notable for publishing the 1978 memoir The Basketball Diaries, and poetry collections including Living at the Movies. They were able to secure a recording contract with Atlantic Records with the support of the Rolling Stones’ Keith Richards, and Catholic Boy have been referred to as the last great punk album. It included arguably the group’s most famous song, ‘People who Died,’ which is a catalogue of young people Carroll knew growing up who met tragic ends: “Judy jumped in front of a subway train, and Eddy got slit in the jugular vein…”. The album cover shows Carroll standing with his parents, photographed by Annie Leibovitz, outside their apartment block on the corner of Cumming Street and Seaman A