Caxton Press (New Zealand)

Caxton Press is a printing company founded in 1935 in a partnership between Denis Glover and John Drew. The press printed the work of many New Zealand writers who have since become familiar names in New Zealand literature. It originally appeared in 1932 as the Caxton Club Press. It was a University of Cantebury publication created at the height of the depression to help create an identity for the political left. Poets and authors published by Caxton Press include:

Caxton Press (New Zealand)

Caxton Press is a printing company founded in 1935 in a partnership between Denis Glover and John Drew. The press printed the work of many New Zealand writers who have since become familiar names in New Zealand literature. It originally appeared in 1932 as the Caxton Club Press. It was a University of Cantebury publication created at the height of the depression to help create an identity for the political left. Poets and authors published by Caxton Press include: