Center for Cultural Judaism

The establishment of The Center for Cultural Judaism in New York in 2003 is the first major organizational change on the American Jewish scene in reaction to emerging new insights into American Jewish demography, as cited in the American Jewish Identity Survey (AJIS 2001). Salient among those insights is the emergence of a very large population of Jews – and for many their non-Jewish spouses as well – who do not find meaning in Judaism as a religion, but for whom Judaism as a culture is meaningful. The Center for Cultural Judaism focuses its work on implementing educational and outreach programs designed to reach this large, underserved population.

Center for Cultural Judaism

The establishment of The Center for Cultural Judaism in New York in 2003 is the first major organizational change on the American Jewish scene in reaction to emerging new insights into American Jewish demography, as cited in the American Jewish Identity Survey (AJIS 2001). Salient among those insights is the emergence of a very large population of Jews – and for many their non-Jewish spouses as well – who do not find meaning in Judaism as a religion, but for whom Judaism as a culture is meaningful. The Center for Cultural Judaism focuses its work on implementing educational and outreach programs designed to reach this large, underserved population.