Château de Beaucens

The Château de Beaucens, is a 14th-century ruined castle in the commune of Beaucens in the Hautes-Pyrénées département of France. The site has been transformed into a zoological park, the "Donjon des Aigles" (eagles' keep), where one may admire birds of prey in flight around the ruins of the castle, with a view over the vallée des Gaves.

Château de Beaucens

The Château de Beaucens, is a 14th-century ruined castle in the commune of Beaucens in the Hautes-Pyrénées département of France. The site has been transformed into a zoological park, the "Donjon des Aigles" (eagles' keep), where one may admire birds of prey in flight around the ruins of the castle, with a view over the vallée des Gaves.